Our Mission:

...breaking intergenerational cycles of childhood trauma

Our Vision:

...a resilient community where all children thrive


The Family Center provides evidence based and research informed programs for parents, children, & professionals.

We approach our work through a non-judgmental and strengths-based lens, integrating advanced knowledge about, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences & Community Environments), PCEs (Positive Childhood Experiences), and HOPE.

Resilient children/teens achieve more academically and have improved health and mental health across their life spans. Research shows ACEs create an increased likelihood of poor health outcomes. Our ability to become successful adults in life relies on prevention or early intervention when ACEs exist.  How we respond impacts communities for generations. 

In addition to our parenting groups, we also offer wrap around services to increase support across the systems families encounter and help parents be better able to provide safe, nurturing homes. When budget allows we include direct support for basic needs.

The Family Center is a change agent in our community. Our evidence-based or research-informed programs provide guidance and support as families navigate new strategies for coping with trauma and move forward with greater awareness, confidence, and a renewed hope for resilience!

Learn more about our programs or become a change agent for children by supporting today!